Saturday, July 2, 2011

GLAA Meeting

Should we or shouldn't we? With the over-night power outage still in effect at 7:50 a.m., the question was, should we have the GLAA meeting or not? Good call from our president, Wes Klages, to go ahead with the meeting, even if we couldn't *gasp* have coffee. Net result? Power came back on just in time to perk a pot.

The meeting went well. One particularly interesting thought - the zoning rules for lake-shore building will change in February. It may (or may not) be smart to wait with your building project until next year. The important thing is to check to see how your particular project might be affected.

Another storm last night. I slept through it, but those who were awake said it was a doozy - winds reported from 50-60 mph in the area. If a storm occurs and one sleeps through it, did the storm really happen? It will be interesting to see what this rain drop did to our already high lake levels.

BTW, when trees fall in the lake, do you leave them or neaten things up? I, myself, am delighted that the current wisdom is to leave them where they lie, unless they impinge on beach activities. This justifies my, ummm, casual approach to landscaping.

This week: another Kids' Camp. More stories to follow.


  1. If you sleep through a storm, a tree will fall in the lake, but if you didn't hear it you don't have to clean it up.
